

仿照CSDID命令一键出实证结果、出图,我写了一个twfe_stgdid命令。基于双向固定效应模型(TWFE)一键式完成staggered-DID分析。TWFE估计did estimator时难以避免负权重带来的问题(异质性处理效应)。所以,非常惭愧地说,封装这个函数的意义就是帮助初步查看(可能并不严谨的)结果。虽然可能不太严谨,但查看TWFE的结果依然是有意义的(初步查看、或者与其他方法进行对比去对比)。



1. 命令简介

twfe_stgdid 是一个用于staggered-DID分析的高效工具,基于TWFE模型,可以一键式完成分析并展示平行趋势检验结果,有助于用户快速理解在处理变量影响下结果变量的变化情况。



(1) 主要选项

twfe_stgdid 需要以下三个必需变量:

  • Y: 结果变量(因变量)
  • did: 双重差分估计变量(DID estimator)
    • 可以是二元变量(0/1)
    • 可以是强度(intensity)变量,但对照组必须为0;实验组可以为强度,但必须大于1
  • time: 自然时间变量

(2) 其他选项

  • ref: 基准时期,默认为-1
  • f: 选择预处理期数量,默认是全部预处理期
  • l: 选择处理后的时期数量,默认是全部处理期
  • absorb: 吸收的固定效应或不展示的控制变量
  • cov: 模型中的协变量
  • cluster: 聚类层级,默认是异方差稳健标准误
  • type: 显示类型,默认是事件研究(event),可选simple仅展示baseline结果
  • regtype: 回归类型,默认是OLS回归(reg),也可选择泊松伪极大似然估计(ppml
  • level: 置信区间水平,默认是95%
  • panelview: 是否显示DID估计量的面板分布,默认为False
  • figname: 输出图形文件名
  • figtitle: 图形标题
  • figsubtitle: 图形副标题
  • dispcoef: 是否显示平行趋势检验中的系数,默认为True


net install twfe_stgdid, from("https://mengke25.github.io/files/function/stata/twfe_stgdid") replace





  • 命令用法
use "$path/twfe_stgdid/twfe_stgdid_sample.dta",clear 
// 最基础的语法
twfe_stgdid Y did , id(id) time(cycle) 
// 加上时间窗
twfe_stgdid Y did , id(id) time(cycle) f(5) l(4)
// 加上时间窗、基期选择、固定效应等
twfe_stgdid Y did , id(id) time(cycle) ref(-1) f(5) l(4) absorb(id cycle) cluster(id) regtype(ppml) figsubtitle("staggered-DID")
  • 帮助文件:







cap program drop twfe_stgdid
program define twfe_stgdid

// Adjust the syntax to not require quotes around options
    syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) [if] , id(varlist) time(varlist) [ref(string)] [absorb(string)] ///
    [cluster(varlist)] [cov(string)] [level(string)] ///
    [panelview(string)] [r(string)] [figname(string)] [figtitle(string)] ///
    [figsubtitle(string)] [regtype(string)] [type(string)] [f(string)] [l(string)] ///
    // Assign the first variable in varlist to y and the second to did
    local y : word 1 of `varlist'
    local did : word 2 of `varlist'

di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
// check ref
if "`ref'" == ""{
	local ref = "-1"
	di "The option {ref} was not specified, defaulting to {-1}"
// check type: simple or event
if "`type'" == ""{
	local type = "event"
	di "The option {type} was not specified, defaulting to {event}"
// year-by-year def
if "`r'" == ""{
	local r = 1
	di "The option {r} was not specified, defaulting to {1}"
// regtype def
if "`regtype'" == ""{
	local regtype = "reg"
	di "The option {regtype} was not specified, defaulting to {reg}"
di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
// key var generation
global F `f'
global L `l'
cap drop _treatyear0 
cap drop _rty
cap drop ty
cap drop _ty
cap drop f_*
cap drop l_*

bys `id' : egen _treatyear0  = min(`time') if `did' >0
bys `id' : egen _treatyear = mean(_treatyear0)
gen ty = (`time' - _treatyear) / `r'
gen _ty = abs(ty)				// temp_t
tab _ty if ty < 0 ,gen(f_)      // t<0
levelsof _ty if ty < 0
forv i = 1/`r(r)'{
	cap replace f_`i' = 0 if f_`i' == .
if "$F" != ""{
	di "F-period specified as -$F"
if "$F" == ""{
	di "F-period not specified"  
	global F `r(r)'
	di "F-period specified as Full-dim: `=-`r(r)''" 
	di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
tab _ty if ty > 0 ,gen(l_)      // t>0
levelsof _ty if ty > 0
forv i = 1/`r(r)'{
	replace l_`i' = 0 if l_`i' == .
gen l_0 = ty == 0    			 // t0
if "$L" != ""{
	di "L-period specified as $L"
if "$L" == ""{
	di "L-period not specified"  
	global L `r(r)'
	di "L-period specified as Full-dim: `r(r)'" 
	di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
// def. of ref period 
if `ref' >= 0{
	di "set l_`ref' as reference"
	qui replace l_`ref' = 0
	global refperiod "l_`ref'"
if `ref' < 0{
	local ref2 = -`ref'
	di "set f_`ref' as reference"
	qui replace f_`ref2' = 0
	global refperiod "f_`ref2'"
di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

// 是否查看面板选项
if "`panelview'" == ""{
	local panelview="False"
if "`panelview'" == "True"{
	panelview `did', i(`id') t(`time') type(treat) name(panelview,replace)
if "`panelview'" != "True"{
	di "The option {panelview} was not specified, no panelview plot"
if "`type'" == "simple"{
	if "`cluster'" != ""{
		di ":::::::::{staggered-DID}:::::::::"
		di "INPUT Y: `y'"
		di "INPUT COV: `cov'"
		di "INPUT absorb: `absorb'"
		di "INPUT Cluster: no-cluster, Robust"
		di "method `regtype'hdfe"
		di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		if "`absorb'" != ""{
		`regtype'hdfe `y' `did' `cov' `if', absorb(`absorb') cluster(`cluster') 
		if "`absorb'" == ""{
		`regtype'hdfe `y' `did' `cov' `if', noa cluster(`cluster') 
	if "`cluster'" == ""{
		di ":::::::::{staggered-DID}:::::::::"
		di "INPUT Y: `y'"
		di "INPUT COV: `cov'"
		di "INPUT absorb: `absorb'"
		di "INPUT Cluster: `cluster'"
		di "method `regtype'hdfe"
		di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		if "`absorb'" != ""{
		`regtype'hdfe `y' `did' `cov' `if', absorb(`absorb') vce(r)
		if "`absorb'" == ""{
		`regtype'hdfe `y' `did' `cov' `if', noa vce(r)

if "`type'" == "event"{
// f_* 
local f_seq ""
forv i = $F(-1)1 {
	local f_seq "`f_seq' f_`i'"
// l_*
local l_seq ""
forvalues i = 0(1)$L {
    local l_seq "`l_seq' l_`i'"
// parallel-test
if "`cluster'" != ""{ 
	di ":::::::::{staggered-DID}:::::::::"
	di "INPUT Y: `y'"
	di "INPUT COV: `cov'"
	di "INPUT absorb: `absorb'"
	di "INPUT Cluster: `cluster'"
	di "method `regtype'hdfe"
	di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	if "`absorb'" != ""{
	local full_cmd "`regtype'hdfe `y' `f_seq' `l_seq' `if', absorb(`absorb') cluster(`cluster')"
	if "`absorb'" == ""{
	local full_cmd "`regtype'hdfe `y' `f_seq' `l_seq' `if', noa cluster(`cluster')"
	display "`full_cmd'"

if "`cluster'" == ""{ 
	di ":::::::::{staggered-DID}:::::::::"
	di "INPUT Y: `y'"
	di "INPUT COV: `cov'"
	di "INPUT absorb: `absorb'"
	di "INPUT Cluster: `cluster'"
	di "method `regtype'hdfe"
	di "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
	if "`absorb'" != ""{
	local full_cmd "`regtype'hdfe `y' `f_seq' `l_seq' `if', absorb(`absorb') vce(r)"
	if "`absorb'" == ""{
	local full_cmd "`regtype'hdfe `y' `f_seq' `l_seq' `if',noa vce(r)"
	display "`full_cmd'"

// matsave
global period = $F + $L + 1 
local s_y = -$F
local e_y = $L
local F $F

if "`level'" == "" {
	local level = "95"
	di "The option {level} was not specified, defaulting to {95%}"

local zval = 2.33 // 对应于 95% 置信区间
if "`level'" == "90" local zval = 1.96
if "`level'" == "99" local zval = 2.58

mat M = J($period,5,.)
forv i = `s_y' / `e_y' {
	local row = `i' + $F + 1 // 相对时间的偏移量
	if `i' < 0{
		cap mat M[`row',1] = _b[f_`=-`i'']    // 系数
		cap mat M[`row',2] = _se[f_`=-`i'']   // 标准误
		cap mat M[`row',3] = _b[f_`=-`i''] + `zval' * _se[f_`=-`i''] // 置信区间上限
		cap mat M[`row',4] = _b[f_`=-`i''] - `zval' * _se[f_`=-`i''] // 置信区间下限
		cap mat M[`row',5] = `i'  // 相对时间
	if `i' >= 0{
		cap mat M[`row',1] = _b[l_`=`i'']    // 系数
		cap mat M[`row',2] = _se[l_`=`i'']   // 标准误
		cap mat M[`row',3] = _b[l_`=`i''] + `zval' * _se[l_`=`i''] // 置信区间上限
		cap mat M[`row',4] = _b[l_`=`i''] - `zval' * _se[l_`=`i''] // 置信区间下限
		cap mat M[`row',5] = `i'  // 相对时间

svmat M
replace M1 = 0 if M5 == `ref'
format M1 %9.2f
format M2 %9.2f

gen se = "(0" + string(round(M2,0.001))  + ")"
replace se = "." if strmatch(se,"*.*") == 0
replace se = "." if strmatch(se,"(0.)") == 1
forv i = 1/9{
	replace se = regexr(se, "\(0([`i'])\.", "(`i'.")

gen coef = string(abs(round(M1,0.01)))
replace coef = "0"+coef if strmatch(coef,".*") & M1 >=0 
replace coef = "-"+coef if strmatch(coef,".*")==0 & M1 <0 
replace coef = "-0"+coef if strmatch(coef,".*") & M1 <0
replace coef ="" if M5 == `ref'

gen sig_se = subinstr(se,"(","",.)
replace sig_se = subinstr(sig_se,")","",.)
destring sig_se,replace force
replace sig_se = M1/M2
replace se= "" if M5 == `ref'
gen sig = "***" if abs(sig_se) > 2.58 & sig_se!=.
replace sig = "**" if abs(sig_se) <= 2.58 & abs(sig_se) > 2.33 
replace sig = "*" if abs(sig_se) <= 2.33 & abs(sig_se) > 1.96

gen coef_sig = coef + sig

// check type: simple or event
if "`figname'" == ""{
	local figname = "parallel"

if "`dispcoef'" == ""{
	local dispcoef = "True"

if "`dispcoef'" == "True"{
tw (rcap M3 M4 M5, lp(solid) lc(gs4)) /// 
   (connect M1 M5 if M5 <=`ref', ms(o) mc(gs6) mlab(coef_sig) mlabp(1) lp(solid)) /// 
   (connect M1 M5 if M5 >=`ref', ms(o) lc(gs6) mlab(coef_sig) mlabp(11) lp(solid)) /// 
   (scatter M1 M5 if M5 <=`ref', ms(i) mlab(se) mlabp(5)) /// 
   (scatter M1 M5 if M5 >= `ref', ms(i) mlab(se) mlabp(7)) /// 
   , scheme(s1mono) legend(off) /// 
   xline(`=`ref'+0.5' ,lp(shortdash)) /// 
   yline(0,lp(shortdash)) xtitle("time") /// 
   ytitle("coef. and `level'% CI") /// 
   name("`figname'",replace) /// 
   subtitle("`figsubtitle'") /// 

if "`dispcoef'" == "False"{
tw (rcap M3 M4 M5, lp(solid) lc(gs4)) /// 
   (connect M1 M5, ms(o) mc(gs6) lp(solid)) /// 
   , scheme(s1mono) legend(off) /// 
   xline(`=`ref'+0.5' ,lp(shortdash)) /// 
   yline(0,lp(shortdash)) xtitle("time") /// 
   ytitle("coef. and `level'% CI") /// 
   name("`figname'",replace) /// 
   subtitle("`figsubtitle'") /// 

set obs 100
egen id = repeat() ,v(1/10)
sort id
egen year = repeat(), v(2011/2020)

gen treat = 1 if id <= 4
gen did = 1 if id == 1 & year >= 2014
replace  did = 1 if id == 2 & year >= 2016
replace  did = 1 if id == 3 & year >= 2017
replace  did = 1 if id == 4 & year >= 2018
replace did = 0 if did == .
panelview did ,i(id) t(year) type(treat) name(panel,replace )

gen v = id * (year - 2000 + 3*uniform() ) * 5 + did * 20
gen lnv = ln(v)
tw connect lnv year ,by(id) name(lngdp,replace )

reghdfe lnv did ,a(id year)
twfe_stgdid lnv did, id(id) time(year) absorb(id year)

twfe_stgdid lnv did, id(id) time(year) absorb(id year) type(simple)

twfe_stgdid lnv did, id(id) time(year) absorb(id year) type(simple)

