



1. 画图

graph twoway (connect wzje_2 year if yhsf==1&wzlx==0 ,yaxis(1) sort) ///
(connect wzje_2 year if yhsf==0&wzlx==0 ,sort yaxis(2) lpattern(dash) ) , ///
xline(0,lpattern(dash) lcolor(gray)) ///
ytitle("合同金额") ///
xtitle("年度") ///
ylabel(,labsize(*0.75))  ///
xlabel(,labsize(*0.75)) ///
legend(label(1 "东部沿海[左轴]") label( 2 "非东部沿海[右轴]")) ///
xlabel(2002 (2) 2022)  ///
graphregion(color(white)) ///
title(服务业) ///


tw (connect value1819 season , /// 
	lcolor(black) lpattern(dash) msymbol(O) mlcolor(gs5) mfcolor(gs12)) /// 
(connect value2020 season , ///
	lcolor(black) lpattern(solid) msymbol(S) mlcolor(gs5) mfcolor(gs12)) ///
,graphregion(color(white)) ///
legend(label(1 "18-19年平均") label(2 "2020年") ) ///
xlabel(1 "第一季度"  2 "第二季度"  3 "第三季度"  4 "第四季度"  ,labsize(small) )
label var year "年份"
label var per "制造业增加值比重[左轴]"
label var tjj "工业增加值比重[右轴]"
graph twoway (connect per year ,yaxis(1) color(black) )   ///
(connect tjj year ,yaxis(2) color(black) lpattern(dash)  ) ///
, graphregion(color(white))  xlabel(2003(2)2019) ///
ytitle("世界银行制造业增加值比重(%)",axis(1) height(5))  ///
ytitle("国家统计局工业增加值比重(%)",axis(2) height(5))  ///
note(数据来源:World Bank Open Data、国家统计局) xline(2011) 
label var year "年份"

tw bar mR1 year,yaxis(2) bc(balck) sort barwidth(0.9) fintensity(inten0) ///
ylabel(0(2000)6000, axis(2)) /// 
xlabel(2014(1)2021)|| /// 
connect percent_R year,yaxis(1) lc(black) lp(dash) mc(blace) ///
ylabel(0.5 "50%" 0.6 "60%" 0.7 "70%" 0.8 "80%" ,axis(1))  ||, ///
graphregion(color(white) ) ///
bgcolor(white) ///
title("中国数字内容企业(游戏)收入金额及占全球市场比重", c(black) size(*0.8)) ///
ytitle("占比(%)",axis(1) height(7))  ///
ytitle("收入额(百万美元)",axis(2) height(5))  /// 
legend(label(1 "中国数字内容企业(游戏)收入占全球市场比重") label(2 "中国数字内容企业(游戏)收入金额") ) ///
legend(size(small) col(1)) ///
note("数据源自:app annie")

graph save "Graph" "$path\output\playdata_1_percent_and_value_of_Chinese_Apps_Export.gph",replace


use hs_adj_year_PQV_2000_2015.dta,clear
use hs_adj_year_PQV_2000_2015_cregime10,clear

merge m:1 hs_adj using equipment
replace BEC=4 if BEC==1 & equipment!=1

destring hs_adj,replace

reghdfe lnV i.year if year!=2006 & BEC==2, a(hs)
est store result_accessories

reghdfe lnV i.year if year!=2006 & BEC==4, a(hs)
est store result_equipment

reghdfe lnV i.year if year!=2006 & BEC==0, a(hs)
est store result_noncapital

#d ;
  (result_accessories,c(l) label("accessories") lp(dash) lc(black) mc(black) ms(smcircle_hollow) offset(-0.07))  
  (result_equipment ,c(l)  label("equipment") lp(solid) lc(black) mc(black) ms(smcircle_hollow))
  (result_noncapital,c(l)  label("noncapital") lp(dot) lc(black) mc(black) ms(smcircle_hollow) offset(0.07))
  , vertical 
  drop(_cons) byopts(xrescale) 
  xlabel(1 "2001"  3"2003"  5"2005" 6"2007"  8"2009"  10"2011" 12"2013" 14"2015")
  legend(size(small) col(3))
#d cr


set scheme s2color    //  默认绘图主题
set scheme cleanplots, perm
set scheme plotplain, perm
set scheme plotplainblind , perm
set scheme burd, perm
set scheme tufte, perm
字体大小 option
字体大小option description
zero no size whatsoever, vanishingly small
minuscule smallest
vhuge largest
tenth one-tenth the size of the graph
quarter one-fourth the size of the graph
third one-third the size of the graph
half one-half the size of the graph
full text the size of the graph
size any size you want
节点样式 eg: msymbol(O) mlcolor(gs5) mfcolor(gs12)
symbolstyle Synonym(if any) Description  
circle O solid  
diamond D solid  
triangle T solid  
square S solid  
plus +    
X X    
arrowf A filled arrow head  
arrow a    
V V    
smcircle o solid  
smdiamond d solid  
smsquare s solid  
smtriangle t solid  
smx x    
smv v    
circle_hollow Oh hollow  
diamond_hollow Dh hollow  
triangle_hollow Th hollow  
square_hollow Sh hollow  
smcircle_hollow oh hollow  
smdiamond_hollow dh hollow  
smtriangle_hollow th hollow  
smsquare_hollow sh hollow  
point p a small dot  
none i a symbol that is invisible  
linepatternstyle Description
solid solid line
dash dashed line
dot dotted line
blank invisible line
formula e.g.,-. or –.. etc.
A formula is composed of any combination of  
l solid line
_ (underscore) a long dash
- (hyphen) a medium dash
. short dash (almost a dot)
# small amount of blank space
black  edkblue  gs12  lime  orange
blue  eggshell  gs13  ltblue  orange_red
bluishgray  eltblue  gs14  ltbluishgray  pink
bluishgray8  eltgreen  gs15  ltbluishgray8   purple
brown  emerald  gs16  ltkhaki  red
chocolate  emidblue  gs2  magenta  sand
cranberry  erose  gs3  maroon  sandb
cyan  forest_green  gs4  midblue  sienna
dimgray  gold  gs5  midgreen  stone
dkgreen  gray gs6  mint  sunflowerlime
dknavy  green gs7  navy  teal
dkorange  gs0  gs8  navy8  white
ebblue  gs1 gs9  none  yellow
ebg  gs10  khaki  olive  
edkbg  gs11  lavender  olive_teal  
#delimit ;
graph bar cn_wzje_80 cn_wzje_81 if sec=="纸张、印刷", over(sec) bargap(-30)
  legend( label(1 "08年前") label(2 "08年后") )
  note("中国中西部服务业") ;
#delimit cr


graph bar (mean) percent1 (mean) percent1 , over(SNA) ///
nofill percentage stack  /// 
bar(1, fcolor(gs1) lcolor(black) lwidth(thin)) /// 
bar(2, fcolor(gs4) lcolor(black) lwidth(thin)) /// 
bar(3, fcolor(gs7) lcolor(black) lwidth(thin)) ///
bar(4, fcolor(gs11) lcolor(black) lwidth(thin)) ///
bar(5, fcolor(gs13) lcolor(black) lwidth(thin)) ///
ytitle(Fraction of N_firm2 in $keepyear) ylabel(0(10)100, angle(horizontal)) ///
legend(order(1 "EU" 2 "JPN" 3 "KOR" 4 "USA" 5 "others") rows(1) ///
region(lcolor(white))) graphregion(fcolor(white)) plotregion(lcolor(black))
graph bar (sum) ActiveUsers1 ActiveUsers2 ActiveUsers3 , over(year) ///
	 stack bar(1, color(navy)) bar(2, color(khaki )) ///
	bar(3, color(gs6)) ylabel(,nogrid) 	///
	legend(label (1 "Southeast Asia") label (2 "Japan and South Korea") label (3 "Europe and America")) ///
	legend(size(small) col(3)) ///
	title("The scale of China's game App Active Users varies across different target countries",size(small))
graph twoway (scatter sc1 sc2 if wzlx_xf==1, mlabel(sec) mlabv(sec) ) (function y=x, range(-10000 10000)) , ///
title("高端制造业吸引外资   [09-14]较[03-08]变化值") ///
ytitle("中国中西部") ///
xtitle("东盟") ///
legend(ring(0) pos(5) order(2 "45°线")) ///
tw (scatter delta_v2_v3 delta_v1_v2 if delta_v1_v2>=-0.3& delta_v1_v2 <=2.3 ///
&delta_v2_v3>= -0.3&delta_v2_v3<=2.3, ///
mlabel(hy4) mlc(black) mlabc(black) ms(x) mlabs(tiny)) ///
(fun y=x,range(-0.3 2.3)) , ///
xlab(-0.3(0.5)2.3) ylab(-0.3(0.5)2.3)  ///
graphregion(color(white)) ///
xline(0,lp(dash) lc(gs10)) ///
yline(0,lp(dash) lc(gs10)) ///
legend(ring(0) pos(5) order(2 "45°线")) ///
ytitle("11-15时段的增速") ///


graph twoway (scatter c_AS c_WD, mlabel(cic03)  ) (lfit c_AS c_WD) , ///
title("东盟增速放缓 vs 世界增速放缓")  ///
ytitle("东盟")  ///
xtitle("世界") ///
legend(ring(0) pos(5) order(2 "拟合")) ///


tw (scatter percent1 percent2 if develop_IMF == 1 ,mlab(iso_ded) mlabsize(vsmall) ms(oh)) /// 
(scatter percent1 percent2 if develop_IMF == 0 , mlabsize(vsmall) mc(red) ms(oh)) ///
(fun y=x, range(0 0.003)), /// 
ytitle("00-06年进口占比(%)",axis(1) height(5)) /// 
xtitle("11-05年进口占比(%)",axis(1) height(5)) legend(off)
bgshade ks, shaders(uu9)  ///
   twoway(connect lamda22 ks if treat==1&ks>=6&ks<=11 ||             ///  
          connect lamda22 ks if treat==0&ks>=6&ks<=11 , xlab(6(1)11) ///


coefplot,  levels(90) vertical lcolor(black)mcolor(black) ///
 msymbol(circle_hollow) ytitle(估计系数, size(small)) ///
 ylabel(, labsize(small) angle(horizontal) nogrid) ///
 yline(0, lwidth(vthin)lpattern(solid) lcolor(black)) ///
 xtitle(事件发生时间, size(small)) ///
  title("(B)企业缴税的平行趋势检验") ///
 xlabel(0"." 1"2019s2" 2"2019s3" 3"2019s4" 4"2020s1" 5"2020s2" 6"2020s3" 7"2020s4") 


reghdfe lnQ i.Year if elec == 1,a(i.citycode) vce(r)
est store elec_Q_1 

reghdfe lnV i.Year if elec == 1,a(i.citycode) vce(r)
est store elec_V_1 

reghdfe lnQ i.Year if elec == 0,a(i.citycode) vce(r)
est store elec_Q_0

reghdfe lnV i.Year if elec == 0,a(i.citycode) vce(r)
est store elec_V_0

coefplot (elec_Q_1,label("半导体电子元件相关企业进口数量") offset(0.05)  pstyle(p3)) ///
(elec_Q_0 ,label("非半导体电子元件相关企业进口数量") offset(-0.05)  pstyle(p4) ), ///
vertical drop(_cons) xline(0) ///
graphregion(color(white)) /// 
yline(0) ///
addplot(line @b @at,lp(dash) lwidth(*0.5)) /// 
legend(label(1 "半导体电子元件相关企业进口数量") label(2 "非半导体电子元件相关企业进口数量") ) 
#d ;
  (low_sna1,c(l) label("") lp(solid) lc(red) mc(red) ms(smcircle_hollow) offset(-0.06) noci)  
  (low_sna23,c(l) label("") lp(dash) lc(black) mc(black) ms(smcircle) offset(-0.02) noci)  
  , vertical 
  drop(_cons  meanfre lnT) byopts(xrescale) 
  legend(size(small) col(3))
  yline(0 ,lc(navy) lp(dash_dot))  level(95)
  xlabel(, ang(45) labsize(vsmall)) c(l)
#d cr


twoway (scatter coef week) /// 
(rcap ci_lower ci_upper week, /// 
 lcolor(black) /// 
 mcolor(black) /// 
 lwidth(vthin) /// 
 lpattern(dash) ///
 msymbol(circle_hollow) ///
 legend(label(2 "99% CI"))) , ///
yline(0) ///
xtitle("")  ///
graphregion(fcolor(white)) ///
title("第X周的系数", size(medium)) /// 
name("Coef_all_I", replace)

hist year if year>=1400 & year<=2010, freq bin(200) ylabel(0(500)2500) xtitle("Year") xline(1950 1980,lw(thin)) ///
     text(1500 1950 "Year=1950", place(w)) text(2000 1980 "Year=1980", place(w)) 


cd $path\appdata
use Data_games.dta,clear
merge m:1 ParentCompanyName using "$path\data\company_city"
keep if _m == 3
drop _m
gen from = city_code
encode iso3_j,gen(to)
bys from to :egen tR = total(Revenue)
bys from to :egen tD = total(Downloads)
duplicates drop  from to ,force
gen x0 = 1
gen x1 = 2
tostring city_code ,gen(city2)
drop if dest == "CHN"

sankey_plot x0 from x1 to, ///
width0(tR) extra xlabel(1 "Source" 2 "Destination", nogrid labsize(small)) ///
colorpalette(economist, opacity(30)) ///
label0(city) label1(iso3_j) ///
labsize(*0.6) labcolor(black) ///
graphregion(color(white))  gap(0.1) ///
title("地级市层面Apps出海流向(按收入额)",color(black) size(*0.8))

graph save "Graph" "$path\output\sankey_R_0228.gph",replace

sankey_plot x0 from x1 to, ///
width0(tD) extra xlabel(1 "Source" 2 "Destination", nogrid labsize(small)) ///
colorpalette(economist, opacity(30)) ///
label0(city) label1(iso3_j) ///
labsize(*0.6) labcolor(black) ///
graphregion(color(white))  gap(0.1) ///
title("地级市层面Apps出海流向(按下载量)",color(black) size(*0.8))

graph save "Graph" "$path\output\sankey_D_0228.gph",replace


reghdfe lnexp i.hy2 ,noa vce(r)
predict e
ren e e1
gen ex = lnexp - e1

graph hbox ex, ///
over(hy2_name)  /// 
ylabel(, labsize(tiny) ) /// 
title("不同行业离散程度(通过残差反映)", c(black) size(*0.8)) 

vioplot ex, over(hy2_name) horizontal name(myplot2) ///
   title("不同行业离散程度(通过残差反映)") ///
   ytitle(行业) ///
   ylab(, angle(horiz))

vioplot year if Affiliates == 0, ///
over(N_iso3j) vertical subtitle("",size(small)) ytitle(Year) ///
xtitle("Num. of New destination") ylab(, angle(horiz)) ///
yline(2018,lc(red) lp(dash)) xline(14.5,lc(red) lp(dash)) ///
subtitle("Domestic",size(small)) //name("fig1")

vioplot year if Affiliates == 1, ///
over(N_iso3j) vertical subtitle("",size(small)) ytitle(Year) ///
xtitle("Num. of New destination") ylab(, angle(horiz)) ///
yline(2018,lc(red) lp(dash)) xline(14.5,lc(red) lp(dash)) ///
subtitle("Affiliates",size(small)) //name("fig2")

graph combine fig1 fig2 ,col(2) row(1) iscale(1) xsize(20) ysize(10)
tw (rarea tv v1 year,fcolor(gs5)) /// 
   (rarea v1 xx year,fcolor(gs10)) , /// 
   legend(col(2) label (1 "Export")  /// 
          label (2 "Import")) ///
   xlabel(2003(2)2021) /// 
   ylabel(,nogrid) /// 
   xtitle("Years") /// 
   ytitle("Trade Value (in million USD)") /// 
twoway(scatter mv T_gap_05_00 [fweight=N] if BEC == 0&T_gap_05_00!=0&N !=0,msymbol(Oh) mc(ebblue%40)) ///
(scatter mv T_gap_05_00 [fweight=N] if BEC == 4&T_gap_05_00!=0&N !=0,msymbol(Oh) mc(orange_red%40)) ///
(scatter mv T_gap_05_00 [fweight=N] if BEC == 2&T_gap_05_00!=0&N !=0,msymbol(Oh) mc(green%20)) ///
, legend(label(1 "非资本品") label(2 "equipment") label(3 "accessories") ) 


2. 处理数据

freq count value
1 9523 4845.1143
2 9524 969.66498
2 9525 129.53349
2 9526 71284.508
2 9527 1038.127
2 9528 445877.09


egen count=group(id hs02_6)
expandcl freq,gen(freq_count) cluster(count)
drop freq_count
gen R= mdy(month_r,day_r,year_r)
gen week_r = week(R)
gen day_r = day(R)
gen dow_r = dow(R)  //返回周几
gen doy_r = doy(R)  //返回年内日期
gen yw_r = yw(year_r,week_r)
gen ed = yw - yw_r
//yw ym yq yh分别为年周、年月、年季、年半年
gen period_kb= date(date_u,"YMD")-date(date_kb,"YMD")

int(x) //取整,不论后面的小数是什么,只取小数点前的数值
round(x) // 四舍五入取整
round(x, .01) //保留两位小数四舍五入
gen y = sum(x)  //求列累积和
egen y = sum(x) //求列总和
egen y = rsum(x y z) //求x+y+z总和
egen y = rowmean(x y z) //求(x+y+z)/3
egen y = rowsd(x y z) //求x y z的方差
egen y = rowmim(x y z) //求x y z的最小值
egen y = rowmax(x y z) //求x y z的最大值
egen y = mean(x)      //求列均值
egen y = median(x)    //求列中位数
egen y = std(x)       //求变异系数,与方差不同

bysort x(y): gen z = y[1] //按照x分组,分组后按照y排序,生成一个新变量z=y的第一个观察值

foreach v of var DexpoAS4- DlnexpoWD2{
gen `v'_w=`v'
qui su `v',det
replace `v'_w=r(p99) if `v'>r(p99) & `v'<.
replace `v'_w=r(p1) if `v'<r(p1)

winsor2 wage, replace cuts(1 99) trim

summary 一个变量之后,可以返回的结果有

r(N)           //number of observations
r(mean)        //mean
r(skewness)    //skewness (detail only)
r(min)         //minimum
r(max)         //maximum
r(sum_w)       //sum of the weights
r(p1)          //1st percentile (detail only)
r(p5)          //5th percentile (detail only)
r(p10)         //10th percentile (detail only)
r(p25)         //25th percentile (detail only)
r(p50)         //50th percentile (detail only)
r(p75)         //75th percentile (detail only)
r(p90)         //90th percentile (detail only)
r(p95)         //95th percentile (detail only)
r(p99)         //99th percentile (detail only)
r(Var)         //variance
r(kurtosis)    //kurtosis (detail only)
r(sum)         //sum of variable
r(sd)          //standard deviation

efolder, cd(D:\stata15\hxs\连享会007)
efolder, cd(D:\stata15\hxs\连享会007) sub(侯新烁 连玉君 007小组1号成员 007小组2号成员)
collapse (mean) drqianfen, by(highzupu50 year)
g rsample = !mi(avggrain_fyr) & !mi(nograin_fyr) & !mi(urban_fyr)& !mi(dis_bj_fyr) & !mi(dis_pc_fyr) & !mi(migrants_fyr)& !mi(rice_fyr) & !mi(minor_fyr) & !mi(edu_fyr)
gen pre = inrange(yob, 1825, 1899)
gen mid = inrange(yob, 1899, 1919)
gen post = inrange(yob, 1920, 1960)
recode treatyear (1969 = 1) (1979 = 2) (1989 = 3) (1999 = 4) (2009 = 5)

3. 处理字符

replace 候选人姓名=subinstr( 候选人姓名, " ", "",. )
keep if strmatch(city, "*山东*")
gen temp = 1 if strmatch(reporteriso3, "A*")
gen year = substr(enddate,1,4)  

//strpos(s1, s2)返回字符s2在s1中的位置,如果s1中找不到s2,则返回0,将该判断再赋给y
gen y = strpos(s1, s2) != 0    

4. 输出结果

outreg2 using "E:\mfg\outreg\r2", word append addtext(CountryFE, YES,YearFE, YES)
eststo: xtivreg p_a_w (DexpoCN4_w=dexpo44) /// 
 i.t c.expr0#t c.Lshare0#t /// 
 c.lnGDP0#t c.lngdp0#t, fe first vce(cluster c)  
 eststo: xtreg DexpoCN4_w dexpo44 /// 
 i.t c.expr0#t c.Lshare0#t /// 
 c.lnGDP0#t c.lngdp0#t if e(sample)==1 ,fe  
 cd $path\outreg 
 outreg2 using "table3", word replace addtext(CityFE, YES,YearFE, YES) keep(dexpo44)  
tabstat inv loginv log_levies ///
     logpopl logincome logasset hhsize landpc logmigration logtax logtransfer share_admin  ///
	 postcont postopen secret_ballot proxy_voting moving_ballot ///
	 , s(N mean sd min max) c(s)

logout,save(summary) word replace:tabstat lnActiveUsers lnDownloads per_mws lnGDP0 lngdp0 lnpopu_RD0 lnper_ind30 lnpopu_ind30 lnpopu_ict0,s(N mean sd min max) f(%12.3f) c(s)
(4)est store以及esttab输出结果

reghdfe Y1 did ,a(i.city_code i.t#i.ison_j)  vce(r)
est store fit1

reghdfe Y1 did $basecontrols1 ,a(i.city_code i.t#i.ison_j) vce(r)
est store fit2

reghdfe Y2 did ,a(i.city_code i.t#i.ison_j)  vce(r)
est store fit3

reghdfe Y2 did $basecontrols1 ,a(i.city_code i.t#i.ison_j) vce(r)
est store fit4

estfe fit1 fit2 fit3 fit4, labels(i1.city_code "cityFE"  t#ison_j "Time-CountryFE") 
esttab fit1 fit2 fit3 fit4, mtitle("收入" "收入" "下载量" "下载量") b(%6.4f) p(%6.2f) scalar(N F r2_a) indicate(`r(indicate_fe)')


mat T1 = J(3,3,.)

reghdfe temp ib1.season if year == 2018 & treat == 1,noa
forvalues i = 1/3{
	local j = `i' + 1
	mat T1[`i',1] = _b[`j'.season]

reghdfe temp ib1.season if year == 2019 & treat == 1,noa
forvalues i = 1/3{
	local j = `i' + 1
	mat T1[`i',2] = _b[`j'.season]

reghdfe temp ib1.season if year == 2020 & treat == 1,noa
forvalues i = 1/3{
	mat T1[`i',3] = _b[`=1+`i''.season]

svmat T1


forv i = 2000/2003{
	cd E:\Data\EPS工企海关匹配库\origindata
	import delimited "工企+海关(`i').csv", stringcols(_all) clear 
	cd E:\Data\EPS工企海关匹配库
	save data`i'.dta,replace


clear all
set obs 1000

**#** 用forvalues循环对单一变量进行处理

gen id = .    

forvalues i = 1/50 {
	local j = `i' - 1				//暂时定义0~49 方便计算
	local lower = `j' * 20  +1		//定义下限 1、21、41、61 
	local upper = `j' * 20 + 20		//定义上限 20、40、60、80
									//由此就定义了 1~20  21~40 41~60 ……
	replace id = `i' in `lower'/`upper'		//给第1~20行,赋值为第1个人

bys id : gen T = _n + 2000					//对于每个人,都生成一个时间序列

**#** 用forvalues循环对多个变量进行处理

forvalues i = 1/5 {
	gen value`i' = .
	cap gen e = rnormal()
	replace value`i' = e * 10 + `i'
	cap drop e

// 等价于 
gen value6 = .
cap gen e = rnormal()
replace value6 = e * 10 + 6
cap drop e

gen value7 = .
cap gen e = rnormal()
replace value7 = e * 10 + 7
cap drop e

gen value8 = .
cap gen e = rnormal()
replace value8 = e * 10 + 8
cap drop e

gen value9 = .
cap gen e = rnormal()
replace value9 = e * 10 + 9
cap drop e

gen value10 = .
cap gen e = rnormal()
replace value10 = e * 10 + 10
cap drop e

**#** 用while循环对单一变量进行处理
// 只要时间在T=11和T=20之间,就对value1~value10进行 " 乘0.1"的处理
local i = 2010 
while `i' < 2020 {
	forvalues j = 1/10{
		replace value`j' = value`j' * 0.1 if T == `i'
	local i = `i' + 1

**#** 用foreach对变量进行处理
foreach v in value1 value2 value3 value4 value5  {
	su `v' ,d
	replace `v' = (`v' - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
	kdensity `v'

// 等价于 
su value6,d 
replace value6 = (value6 - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
kdensity value6

su value7,d 
replace value7 = (value7 - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
kdensity value7

su value8,d 
replace value8 = (value8 - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
kdensity value8

su value9,d 
replace value9 = (value9 - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
kdensity value9

su value10,d 
replace value10 = (value10 - r(min)) / (r(max) - r(min))
kdensity value10


cd $path_EPS_data
use temp_ybmy_nodest.dta,clear
gen hy3 = real(substr(string(hy4),1,3))
gen hy2 = real(substr(string(hy4),1,2))

gen lnv = ln(1+v)
gen lnq = ln(1+q)

merge m:1 hy2 using "$path_local_data\cic_hy2_Chinese_name.dta"
drop _m

keep hy2*
duplicates drop hy2,force
global length = _N
forv i = 1/$length {
	local j = hy2 in `i'
	su hy2 in `i',d
	sca int`j' = r(mean)
	sca s`j' = hy2_name in `i'

forv i = 13/45{
    reghdfe lnv i.year if hy2 == `i', noa vce(r)
	eststo fit`i'

forv i = 13/45{
local hy = int`i'
local gamma = s`i'
#d ;
  (fit`i',c(l) label(`hy'`gamma') lp(dash) lc(black) mc(black) ms(smcircle_hollow) offset(-0.07))  
  , vertical 
  drop(_cons) byopts(xrescale) 
  xlabel(1 "2008"  2"2009"  3"2010" 4"2011" 5"2012" 6"2013" 7"2014" 8"2015")
  legend(size(small) col(3))
#d cr
graph export "$path_output\hy`i'_`gamma'.png", as(png) name("Graph") replace


[G-2] graph twoway line — Twoway line plots
[G-2] graph twoway qfit — Twoway quadratic prediction plots
[G-2] graph twoway fpfit — Twoway fractional-polynomial prediction plots
[G-2] graph twoway mband — Twoway median-band plots
[G-2] graph twoway mspline — Twoway median-spline plots
[G-2] graph twoway lfitci — Twoway linear prediction plots with CIs


不可识别统计量是Klei-Paap 弱识别统计量是Cragg-Donald 工具变量外生是Hansen-J



// 大类代码reshape后加labe
label var Nfirm_ind1 "农、林、牧、渔业"
label var Nfirm_ind2 "采矿业"
label var Nfirm_ind3 "制造业"
label var Nfirm_ind4 "电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业"
label var Nfirm_ind5 "建筑业"
label var Nfirm_ind6 "批发和零售业"
label var Nfirm_ind7 "交通运输、仓储和邮政业"
label var Nfirm_ind8 "住宿和餐饮业"
label var Nfirm_ind9 "信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业"
label var Nfirm_ind10 "金融业"
label var Nfirm_ind11 "房地产业"
label var Nfirm_ind12 "租赁和商务服务业"
label var Nfirm_ind13 "科学研究和技术服务业"
label var Nfirm_ind14 "水利、环境和公共设施管理业"
label var Nfirm_ind15 "居民服务、修理和其他服务业"
label var Nfirm_ind16 "教育"
label var Nfirm_ind17 "卫生和社会工作"
label var Nfirm_ind18 "文化、体育和娱乐业"
label var Nfirm_ind19 "公共管理、社会保障和社会组织"
label var Nfirm_ind20 "国际组织"

12.egen 函数

函数 用法 释义
xtile egen A = xtile(n) ,nq(10) 对于n变量生成分位数,分位数的范围用nq=10来度量
corr egen B = corr(temp1 temp2) 对于temp1和temp2变量生成相关系数
ereplace   对标egen,能够替换原变量
clsst egen ii = clsst(n) , v(1(1)10) 给n变量按照从小到大的次序赋以v值
base egen ii = base(n) 给n变量生成一个二进制字符串变量ii
msub egen newstr = msub(strvar), f(A B C) r(1 2 3) replaces “A” by “1”, “B” by “2”, “C” by “3”
  egen newstr = msub(strvar), f(`”””’) deletes quotation mark “
  egen newstr = msub(strvar) f(frog) w deletes “frog” only if occurring as single word
ntos egen grade = ntos(Grade), from(1/5) to(Poor Fair Good “Very good” Excellent) 给Grade变量生成字符串
repeat egen quarter = repeat(), v(1/4) 生成一个quarter变量,重复1-4
  egen quarter = repeat(), v(1/4) block(3) 生成一个quarter变量,重复1-4,其中1重复3次,2重复3次,3重复3次
adju bys id : egen nu = adju(n) 生成一个新变量nu等于n的upper值
adjl bys id : egen nl = adjl(n) 生成一个新变量nu等于n的lower值
gmean egen gmean = gmean(mpg), by(rep78) geometric mean
hmean egen hmean = hmean(mpg), by(rep78) harmonic mean
outside bys id : egen dd = outside(n) 找到n的极端值,并赋值给dd
ridit bys id : egen dr = ridit(n) 近似于分位数,relative to identified distribution unit
sumoth bys id : egen xrd = sumoth(n) 加总本组内除了自身之外的其他数值
pctile bys id : egen p25 = pctile(n) ,p(25) 求分位数